because its true amd i know it is that
China has been the source of many innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions. This includes the Four Great Inventions: papermaking, the compass, gunpowder, and printing (both woodblock and movable type).
Essentially the Scientific Revolution contributed to the progress, reason, andfraternal aspects of the Enlightenment. Through debunking long held superstitious / religious beliefs, producing a secular body of reasoned work, and by creating a network of learned fraternal Scientific Societies, who not only collaborated in theoretical fields, but in the application of new discoveries to practical and commercial purposes, along with offering libraries of the latest Scientific papers and lecturers. Enabling and funding further investigation, in a meritocratic circle eg. the Lunar Society of Birmingham.
Worth noting, the Agricultural revolution, which was applying scientific method to food production, was also vital as its gains freed manpower for the new urban mines and factories.
Almost 90% of Earth's history occurred during the Precambrian time period
In January 2016, the University of Virginia announced its Gallows Hill Project team had determined the execution site in Salem, where the 19 "witches" had been hanged.