Yes, there is a fraction because when solving the equation you need to find Q. So to find Q you will need to divide
Whats the question for this question
The correct answer is B C and D
Answer: The sale price of book would be $2.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x be the selling price of the book.
Selling price of 2500 books=2500x
Then 6 % royalty on 1000 copies=0.06(1000x)=60x
Since, the printed copies are 2500> 1000
Copies above 1000=2500-1000=1500
Therefore, The 5% on any number of copies above 1000= 0.05(1500x)=75x
Since, the writer expects to be paid $5000.
Hence, the sale price of book would be $2.
Solid dot with line (arrow) to right so A) x>= 1 is correct