According to a new WWF book, agriculture – the largest industry in the world – is one of the biggest threats to the environment. Inefficient food production and harmful agriculture subsidies are causing deforestation, water shortages and pollution.
If that crop fails so would the agricultural production of said nation which could lead to famine or economic breakdown
When you rely on only one crop then your basically sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the crop fails and you don't have a replacement, your agriculture is disabled. If that crop is something like cotton, You loose your main export and ability to employ people. If its something like Rice then your citizens loose food which will cause famine in the lands which could lead to rebellion.
Due to the rotation of the earth on its axis, the flow of the winds and the ocean current in the north takes place in the right direction that is anticlockwise.
And is opposite to the southern parts where it's clockwise i.e in the left direction of motion as a result of the curved paths. This deflection is called the Coriolis force.