The people’s republic of China
There are an estimated over 10,000 bird species that exist in our world
The most notable types include humming birds, which have incredibly fast heart beats of up to 1,260 beats per minute.
There are also a group of birds that are flightless and cannot fly, which include Ostriches, which are also the tallest and heaviest living birds. In fact an ostrich is the closest ancestor to a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Overall, there are many amazing birds out there! Hope this helped a little!
The major source of air pollution that disrupts the atmosphere’s natural cycles is the combustion of <u>fossil</u> fuels.
her is this from google
"A system of temporary reference points established in the field allows users to move freely within the study area without losing the geo-referencing. It allows the user to perform the mapping of trees, deadwood, transects, repeated measurements and data verification."
They compare quantities for particular categories. View the frequency distribution graph about people who regularly use a specific cell phone app