Nuclear energy is created during a fission or fusion, and is typically used to generate electricity. Nuclear power plants use the fission or fusion reaction to create the nuclear energy, which generates heat. This heat the power plants use to transform the heat energy into electricity. Fission is where large nuclei are split into smaller nuclei. Fusion is where the small nuclei are put together to create large nuclei. These two reactions create nuclear energy.
68000 square km
north aral sea dried up
The celestial sphere is a fictional sphere to which all celestial objects can be projected.
At any time an observer can see only the half of celestial sphere because the other half lies under the horizon. The celestial sphere is the medium used for sphere astronomy. The celestial sphere does not have a defined magnitude. It can be infinite or at least really big.
I feel like everyone should be able to work in the kitchen doing everything there, nothing by gender or race, it just seems rude.