Program for the above question in python:
mass = float(input("Enter the mass in grams")) # It is used to take the mass as input.
density = float(input("Enter the density grams per cm cube")) # It is used to take the input for the grams.
print("Volume ={:.2f}".format(mass/density)) #It is used to print the Volume.
- If the user inputs as 2.98 and 3.2, then it will results as 0.92.
- The above code is in python language, in which the first statement is used to take the inputs from the user for the mass and sore it into a mass variable.
- Then the second statement also takes the input from the user and store it into a density variable.
- Then the third statement of the code is used to print the volume up to two places using the above-defined formula.
Re-read what you've typed in that cell see if you typed it correctly.
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Depending on the data all answers can be used to make it easier to read. Without more info I would go with Borders (D) since they are the best way to group the data when printed, especially if the print is in color.
Alignment would be the correct answer only if the data goes out of cell boundaries. Font Color usually makes it harder to read because of bad contrast and finally changing the Font Style has a minimal effect since the default one is already pretty readable.