The therapist understands the behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior.
The therapist understanding of behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior will lead to therapeutic success because:
1. It will empower him to know what evidence-based treatments; that is, proven methods and techniques of treatments to use.
2. It will help administer behavioral counselling and guide to patients.
3. It will lead to targetted and reasonable treatment time frame.
4. It will eliminate complications that might occur during therapy.
The people who called it the golden door, usually hadn't experienced the harsh reality of the island. They were usually people who wanted to go to America, but could not afford it, or didn't have the right circumstances. The people that called it the isle of tears had either been there or heard the stories of what it was really like. Ellis Island was full of sadness, hunger, and fear. I think the isle of tears is a better description because the immigrants on the island did cry, in fact, they cried often. The golden door to America is not a realistic version of the island. The island was a door to America, but not a golden one. Therefore the isle of tears is a more fitting name.
I believe the answer is: <span>square brackets [ ] operator
in C++, </span>square brackets [ ] operator could be used to <span>outputting an array in a class constructor that declared using pointers. </span>The constructor should allocate an array and copy values from the pointer argument and should be returned in the element in<span> the array you allocated.</span>
You want to charge a price that earns a premium fit , you want to charge a price that covers variable costs