Here are some advice
- find a song that you know the lyrics of
- find a song you are comfortable to sing
Hope this helped!
For example on number 1 the time signature is 4/4 , that means there has to be 4 beats in between each bar line. They have already put in a half note which is equal to 2 beats. You can either put another half note or two quarter notes.
Whole Note = 4 beats
Quarter Note = 1 beat
Half Note = 2 beats
Dotted Half Note = 3 beats
i think to inspire JOHNS i thing the thing that would inspire them is animals.
animals have more color and life amungs them
It is an absolutely true statement that horizontal lines <span>should be avoided in photographs because they make the photograph appear small. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.</span>