2.89 Million People
Most of Argentina is mountainous (The Western side), which has extreme cold temperatures which makes it a popular skiing destination for tourists, it also happens to be not as populated. However, what makes Buenos Aires so different is that it's along the ocean, which makes it a much more livable and sustainable climate, it also gets a large economic boost because it has a large docking and trade system located there.
Examples of this would be other lightly populated rough climate countries such as Mongolia, which has only a population of 3 million despite it's large land borders.
I think that there are certain times in which it is a yes and a no. When you are looking at the family situation you really have to take into consideration what position everyone is in. I think that 16 is a good age to work, but that doesn't mean that they have to deprive their life. If everyone is really working together than that is a total yes. If on the other hand that parents aren't put a hand in it is never going to be the childs responsibility to provide for them. When you look at the situation for the kids sometime it is nice for them to learn the cost of money and real life. <3
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