“Thou shalt not kill" under the Philonic division used by Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox and Protestants except Lutherans, or the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" under the Augustinian division used by Roman Catholics and Lutherans.
C. Quanah Parker
Quanah Parker became the wealthiest Native Indian through his investments the railroad stock. On the reservation, Quanah Parker's tribe, the Staked Plains, was the last to arrive there after resistance to the white. He was elected chief over all the Comanches on the reservation by the government. He proved to be a resourceful, powerful, and able leader for the Comanches.
Nepal is one of most unique and rich countries culturally. Nepalese folk songs are a great representative of its traditions. Folk songs convey the history, life, religion and rituals of the country natives. Different types of folk songs are sung and danced upon by the Nepalese people in festivals to express joy as well as to honor the traditions. Some folk songs depict the daily lifestyle of people. Folk songs tell the stories of Nepalese people of current times as well as past.
1. Abundant Natural Resources
2. Abundant Labor Supply
4.Technological advances that saved time consuming labor.
5. Pro buisness government policies.