The lines in the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe that clearly depict the speaker's grief over the loss of Lenore and his frustration with the raven are the following:
<span>"Leave my loneliness unbroken! quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
He says that he is lonely (because his love Lenore is dead) and he wants the bird to go away and not remind him of her death.
At the beginning
Right at the beginning of the text, where a woman is obsessed with her appearance, looking every day in the mirror, and with shaking hands, and eyes watering, she feels bad to see her, accepting her wrinkled hands and your face too. She cries, she could be young and beautiful, but feel bad all the time.
I am very sorry I do not get your question..
<span>Elie Wiesel and His Father in the Book 'Night'Our users give theirimpressions:Elie and his father were especially close at the death camps. Theywere inseparable, really. They loved each other and would not let that fade andbe separated. They would die for one another if it was necessary. His fatherdied. Elie was a witness to it. He never forgave himself for letting the SS manbeat his father to death since his father was ill and cried for water to feelbetter. Elie's relationship with his father is very close. However, therelationship between Elie and his father, Chlomo, changes throughout the novel.At the beginning of the novel, Elie and his father have a fairly closerelationship, apart from his father's commitments to the community (not havingtime for his kin (family). Even in saying that Elie loved and respected hisfather just as everyone in the community did. But further on in the novel, theydrift further and further apart. At some stage, Elie starts to feel that hisfather is a burden. And at the end Elie has no tears to cry when his father<span>finally dies.</span></span>
The title of Oscar Wilde's most successful play. The Importance of Being Earnest features a salient pun in the form of the word "Earnest<span>",
Earnest means </span><span>"<span>honest", and "truthful"
</span></span>At the very beginning of the play, we learn that Jack has created a convenient younger brother named Ernest. We don't know why he comes up with that particular name, but we’re guessing Jack had a laugh or two over it. Jack, Ernest,<span> fools his lady friends, all of whom have an obsession with the name "Ernest." Both Gwendolen and Cecily are in love with that name, based on an assumption that boys named Ernest will be as honest as the name suggests.
Hope this helps!