A is a correct answer.
Dermis is does not had contain significant amounts of the protein collagen.
Hope it helped you.
the very long river
Larger rocks tend to settle out of the water flow sooner than smaller rocks do, so the rocks remaining at the end of a very long river would tend to be very small. A very short river may still be carrying somewhat larger rocks.
The very long river probably drops the smallest rock pieces near the ocean.
Perhaps the implied assumption here is that a very short river will have a higher gradient than a very long river. Another assumption is that rocks are picked up nearer the headwaters, and the gradient decreases with distance.
If both rivers end at a waterfall into the ocean, they may very well carry the same sort of rock size distribution. If the short river traverses muddy terrain, and the longer river traverses rocky terrain, the answer may be reversed.
Any fat. Like oil. Fats are hydrophobic, so they resist water and don't mix.
1. “Research the problem” matches with “use reliable sources, talk to experts and take notes”
2. “Organize data” matches with “create charts or graphs to display the results”
3. “Design an experiment” matches with “set up a procedure for testing your ideas; including variables and controls”
4. “Hypothesis” matches with “must be testable and falsifiable”
5. “Choose a problem” matches with “Come up with a question that can be answered”
1.Continuous diffusion of negatively charged ions into the postsynaptic neurons , <u>which leads to continuous reversal of charges (hyperpolarization) and therefore continuous firing of action potential</u>
2. Inhibition of hydrolytic enzymes e.g (acetycholinesterase) that metabolize activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters e,g acetycholine at post synaptic cleft. leading to firing of action potential.
Neuron whose dendrites transmits action potential to the neuromuscular junction is called presynaptic neuron. While neuron that transmit action potential away from the neuronal synaptic junction, or from the neuromuscular junction to the cell body of adjacent neuron or to effectors (gland and muscles) are called post synaptic neuron.
The more negatively charged ions that diffused into the post synsptic neuron, the more depolarization, and the greater the frequency of action potential produced
The inhibition of activities of hydrolytic enzyme which metabolize cholinergic neurotransmitter leads to continuous excitatory activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters on the receptors at the postsynaptic neuron, and the more action potential