Bruv you gotta add the attatchments
If you had a given sentence:
"James could not eat because he was feeling ill."
"Because" is acting as a subordinating conjunction. A subordinating conjunctions will combine two independent clauses into one sentence, making it a complex sentence.
It's not exactly an essay, but it does have some helpful information.
- Wanted to end the war quicker.
- became known for cancers, premature births and malformed babies. Bad effects on the environment Heavy scars on survivors
- 3 days after bombing Hiroshima
- Wasn’t actually supposed to be bombed
- 38,100 killed
- 21,000 injured
- Nagasaki survivors had cancer, premature birth, and malformed babies.
- A lot of radiation
- Heavy scars on survivors
I would have not dropped the atomic bomb because it is immoral and not in any way humane. I think this because many Japanese had serious scarring and injuries. It also ruined the environment and killed innocent bystanders that had nothing to do with the war. It was selfish of America to bomb a place just to end a war quicker.
America did it to end the war quickly and did not want any more deaths on the American side.
Using information and knowledge I already have, I would say your answer would be C. A hidden meaning.