When the cost of living is too high for a number of families and they do not have a high household income, they will obviously go in debt. When those families fall into debt and it is not paid (usually it is not), then America falls behind because the household has not paid, resulting in a slippery slope through different levels of government and economics.
Hope this answer helps! Let me know if you have questions or comments and you can ask again or find more answers at: Brainly.com as always!
My educated guess would be that "in an old bus" is the object of the preposition.
I wish I could answer you here, but without punctuation, this question is very hard to understand, and almost impossible to answer. If we had the punctuation, we might be able to help.
probably dont need it anymore but monologue
are you really in ten class i am in eight class
plane was flying from khatmandu to pokhara it was reaching pokhara but crashed on bholetar because there were thick clouds surrounding the sky tv tower find all passengers dead as the passengers were dead compensation to their family was announced rs