The Cross of Gold discourse was a discourse conveyed by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The discourse pushed Bimetallism. At the time, the Democratic Party needed to institutionalize the estimation of the dollar to silver and contradicted pegging the estimation of the United States dollar to a best quality level. The expansion that would come about because of the silver standard would make it less demanding for agriculturists and different borrowers to pay off their obligations by expanding their income dollars. It would likewise turn around the collapse which the U.S. experienced from 1873-1896.
This dissertation studies the first Great Migration of African Americans from the rural South to Urban areas in the northern United States. While most existing research has focused on the experiences of the migrants themselves, I am focused on how this influx of rural black migrants impacted outcomes for African Americans who were already living in the north and had already attained a modicum of economic success. Common themes throughout this dissertation involve the use of the complete-count U.S. population census to link records across years. In the first chapter, I linked northern-born blacks from 1910 to 1930 to study how the arrival of new black residents affected the employment outcomes of existing northern-born black residents. I find that southern black migrants served as both competitors and consumers to northern-born blacks in the labor market. In the second chapter, my co-authors and I study the role of segregated housing markets in eroding black wealth during the Great Migration. Building a new sample of matched census addresses from 1930 to 1940, we find that racial transition on a block was associated with both soaring rental prices and declines in the sales value of homes. In other words, black families paid more to rent housing and faced falling values of homes they were able to purchase. Finally, the third chapter compares the rates of intergenerational occupational mobility by both race and region. I find that racial mobility difference in the North was more substantial than it was in the South. However, regional mobility difference for blacks is greater than any gap in intergenerational mobility by race in prewar American. Therefore, the first Great Migration helped blacks successfully translate their geographic mobility into economic mobility.
Dubai is the most diverse city in the Middle East with 150 nationalities.
Dubai is one of the most diverse cities in the Middle East, with more than 150 nationalities and various expressions of culture. Any emirate in the UAE can be fairly called multinational, but in Dubai this is especially pronounced. Since 1984, Dubai has been the main trading center of the Persian Gulf, and from that moment a lot of foreigners live here.
Common law is a system of law based on what the King accepted as the Common Standard. So the answer is B)