The advantage of an assembly line is that he has to think less aout what needs to be done as it automates the whole process, a disadvantage of the assembly line is that the required output is much higher than it was required of workers in previous periods.
Identity politics
In recent years, many minority groups have grown impatient with dominant culture, and have asserted their right not to assimilate. This is an example of identity politics. Identity politics is a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad based party policies. many minority groups have grown impatient with dominant culture and confessed their right not to assimilate
The "allegory of the cave" is the theory that was put foward by plato, concerning with human perception. he claim that when human gained knowledge through their senses is based on opinions while if human want to gain real knowledge they should do it trough philosophical reasoning.