The type of map represented in the picture is a geological map. Geological maps show features such as soil and rock type and structural features such as faults. There are numerous faults represented on the map The main type observed are thrust faults. The area around Salt Lake is approximately between Quaternary to late Tertiary based on the map. The main geologic unit in this area is composed of alluvial, glacial and lake sediments. Middle Tertiary volcanic rocks can be found south of Richfield. Pre-Cambrian metamorphic (narrow outcrop east of the Great Salt Lake) and igneous rocks are the oldest represented on the map. The youngest rocks are Quaternary salt flats found mainly south-west of the Salt Lake. Intrusive rock outcrops can be found in different areas on the map. Outcrops can be observed southeast of Richfield, south-east of Ceder Clay and North of Lake Powell. Coal is the fossil fuel type present in the Green River and Price area.
Not quite sure what you're asking, but erosion and deposition do create land forms. For example: erosion along the coastline may result in the formations of arches, stacks, stumps, wave cut platforms, caves, etc. Deposition, different amount of it and in certain areas, under the influence of either destructive or constructive waves, will form beaches - ones with a lot of beach, through a lot of deposition, or slopes beaches where destructive waves have crashed upon the beach. Hope this is what you're looking for.
Image result for What type of convergent plate boundary does Lake Tanganyika have?
Lake Tanganyika–like all of the other African Rift lakes except for Lake Victoria–lies in a graben (a down-dropped block of land bounded by extensional, or normal, faults) along the axis of the great rift. I think this is correct im not to sure but i hope it helps