Several meanings could be agvined to this. On face value, Dr. King is saying that the men who lynched Emmett Till were morally bankrupt but hid behind Christianity and rationalized their actions for murdering Emmett for allegedly flirting with a married white woman.
Jackie Robinson was honored as the National League's Most Valuable Player.
A yearbook is a mainly a 'memory book' that records the achievements of someone, or an important event, and most eminently memories.
Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in the Major League Baseball. The given text is about him. The information that Chan should include in his yearbook about Jackie Robinson about the awards he has won, is that he has been honored as the National League's Most Valuable Player. The Most Valuable Player award is an award given by the Baseball Writers' Association of America to that one outstanding baseball player who plays outstandingly in the American League.
The correct answer could be<em> "Ghetto."</em>
When the Nazi's began to crack down on the Jews, Jewish businesses were boycotted and Jews were barred from education past elementary. The first instance of Jews being forced into certain living conditions, were when the Nazi's dedicated certain parts in a city strictly for Jews to live in. These were called ghettos. Many of these ghettos had poor living conditions and were subject to daily purges by the occupying Nazis. One famous ghetto was the Warsaw Ghetto in Warsaw, Poland.
A representative government, economic equality for all, and exchange of land for service and protection of individual rights