Answer: Friends are left. Friends are right. Their skin can be dark, their skin can be right. They can be short, they can be tall. You can pick the best friend of them all. Friends should be nice, they shouldn't be mean. Friends have favorite colors, blue , purple, and green.
When people tell you about the characteristics they want in a friend, they will usually tell you nice, or funny, or kind. For a real friendship, you want to describe it all being amazing. Like a relationship, you want loyalty, you want appreciation, and understanding. You want to be able to call her up one day and know that she will cheer you up, and your conversations will last for hours and no one ever gets bored. Friendship is having someone to gossip to, but never judge. To love but never hate. To need but never depend on.
The tour guide EXPLAINS that either candles or a lantern IS used to see into the tomb.
Tour guide is singular. Therefore, verb used must be in singular form. Lantern is singular and it is the nearest subject of the verb. Thus, the verb must also be in singular form.