The quote from Mark Twain that has a serious tone is:
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear."
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear" is a serious quote. Twain is honestly explaining what he thinks of courage and fear, of their connection. His opinion is that being brave does not necessarily mean being fearless, but moving ahead in spite of fear.
However, when we take a look at the other quotes, we realize they were written in a humorous manner. Speaking of a summer as if it were winter, playing with the meanings of mind and matter, and advising someone to distort facts are all unexpected and funny topics, none of which can be taken seriously.
It is best to be abstract
girl that represents a progression through life, and her fall represents expectations of society.
Because it is contradicting itself
When the narrator is saying this, he cannot see if their is anything else around him, because it is too dark to see. But the darkness is all around him, so the statement is true in a way.