1 Primary purpose of the state is to protect the right of the citizen
2. No government can exist without the consent of the Governed
3. systems check and balances was necessary in Government
Those of three ideas, was the ides of John Locke
Image result for What is important to Islam as a society?
The Five Pillars of Islam are believed to be the most important aspects of the religion that all Muslims strive to follow. They are shahada (the belief in Islam), salat (the five daily prayers), zakat (giving to charity), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime).
The advantage that French-American colonists had over the British-American Colonists was that French-Americans worked in unified manner, they had one Direction, on Council, and one Purse, whereas, British-American colonies were disunited.
The French and Indian War began in 1754 over the dispute of having territorial gain of the heart of North America, that is Ohio River Valley. Ohio River Valley was the center of trade and settlements. But the issue was under which colony does this area come, French colonies or American Colonies.
During the War, the French-American colonists had upper-hand over the British-American Colonists in a way that they were unified. The French-American colonists fought under '<em>one Direction, one Council, and one Pulse.' </em>Whereas, the colonies of British-America were unconnected and disunited. This disunity among the colonies was portrayed by Benjamin Franklin in his cartoon 'Join or die' which predicted that if British-American colonies will not fight in unity there will be much loss.
During the renaissance the Roman Catholic church ruled i believe. The pope had a lot of power