a revolution is basically a complete change with society, government, etc.
(the last question is your own opinion so I can't really answer that for you :))
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, is assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible.
Answer: The plebeians obtained even more power and eventually could hold the position of consul.
Robert Owen began a community based on his ideas of <u><em>utopianism</em></u> . In a utopian society, all members of the community would be cared for. In Owen’s utopian model at New Lanark, people received health care and housing, He even arranged <u><em>education</em></u> for children instead of letting them work in factories.
This is quite a complex question. In the USA, the Constitution is not precise about the scope of powers and duties of the different layers and branches of government. It was not until the tenure of John James Marshall, a Federalist judge who served at the SCOTUS between 1801 and 1835, that this complex legal question was clarified during the Marbury v. Madison case.
This case established the principle of Judicial Review, by which the judiciary, one of the three branches of government reviews the actions and/or laws or decrees passed by the other two powers. This means that in terms of Constitutionality, the courts have jurisdiction over the other two branches of government. This is part of the system of Checks and Balances.