Explanation: The answer is A only reason I know that is because I chose D on my apex test and got it wrong it said it was a
auto- 1. a combining form meaning “self,” “same,” “spontaneous,” used in the formation of compound words: autograph, autodidact.
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I did the same topic. This is for flvs ela correct?
I am still doing the class so i can not give to much of my info away because they would know. Hmm. Okay, I can give you a s ite that will help you because it helped me. But pl z dont re port me for putting a si te, I am just trying to help.
I gave you the site to where you can pick your own we bsi te for it. The website I used is the top one.
ht tps://ww w.go ogle.c om/se arch?q=sho uld+teens+be+allowed+t o+play+dangerous+sports&rlz=1CAXWWL_enUS954&oq=should+teens+be+allowed+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0j0 i390l 4j69i61.13835j0j7&sourc eid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on
p lz dont re.po.rt me and can I have brainliest plz. I need 1 more. oh and for the lin ks, just take away the spaces.
The most relevant details are the time and location of the event and the town’s history with the firework show.