Parents are bound to have more realistic expectations for their children.
- Over time, parents have been very cautious on the number of children they have.
- This is because, parents are more devoted to providing optimum conditions to their children
- Realistic optimum conditions shall dictate the number of children parents decide to have.
- Since provision of this needs costs money, then parents shall regulate the number of children according to their economic status, hence fewer children.
avoid contact with the outgroup
Some experts have suggested that different types of prejudice may arise because of different emotional responses to the target group. From this perspective, prejudice arising from guilt may result in behaviors that try to avoid contact with the outgroup.
When an individual have a sense of guilt towards a group he is not a part of, he tends to isolate himself from such group. This behavior is not out of hate as may be interpreted by others but out of guilt. For example, after the abolition of slavery, some Europeans found it hard to associate with the free blacks, this type of prejudice is most likely linked to a feeling of guilt.
They seceded because B)They wanted to keep slavery
El término climograma puede aplicarse a varios métodos usados para representar gráficamente el clima de un lugar: un gráfico temperatura v/s lluvia sin una escala determinada. ... un gráfico conocido como diagrama Walter-Lieth que representa la temperatura y las precipitaciones en una escala de 1:2.