Infected cells create and release small proteins known as interferons, which help the immune system fight viruses. Interferons stop viruses from replicating by interfering with their ability to multiply within infected cells.
During the S phase at interphase in meiosis I
During the S (DNA synthesis) phase at interphase in meiosis I, DNA replication occurs here where the chromosomes are doubled. This phase does not occur in meiosis II. At the end of meiosis II, the chromosome number becomes halved in the sex cells. The cell just goes on to divide to ensure haploidy of chromosomes in the gametes such that the sperm from the male and egg from female are both haploid. Fertilization brings about diploidy of the zygote itself
through the process of cellular respiration energy in food is coverted into energy that can be used in body's cells, glucose and oxygen are converted into carbon dioxide and water and the energy is transferred to ATP- the energy carrying molecule that provides energy for your cells to work, such as moving muscles
A cactus contains
200 gallons