Answer: Neh - tuh - ket
The above answer is the phonetical pronunciation of the word Netiquette which is an amalgamation of the words, Net and Etiquette and as the term implies, refers to the behavior on the internet that is socially acceptable and good so that other people are not made to feel uncomfortable.
Answer and Explanation:
Using javascript:
function dayof_theweek(){
var TodayDate = window. prompt("enter today's date in the format 'year, month, day' ");
var Datenow=new date(TodayDate);
var Dayofweek=Datenow.getday();
var Days=["monday","Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"];
The program above uses a date object which uses the method getday to get the day of the week(get day returns an integer from 0 to 6).we then use a comparison operator == to test the condition that returned value Dayoftheweek is same with the index of the array Days and then print to a html document. The program may need improvements such as the fact that errors may arise when proper input isn't given, and therefore must be handled.
Data theft can be defined as a cyber attack which typically involves an unauthorized access to a user's data with the sole intention to use for fraudulent purposes or illegal operations. There are several methods used by cyber criminals or hackers to obtain user data and these includes DDOS attack, SQL injection, man in the middle, phishing, etc.
Encryption is a form of cryptography and typically involves the process of converting or encoding informations in plaintext into a code, known as a ciphertext. Once, an information or data has been encrypted it can only be accessed and deciphered by an authorized user.
Some examples of encryption algorithms are 3DES, AES, RC4, RC5, and RSA.
Hence, SSH, HTTPS and SMTP are considered as secure network protocols.
HTTPS is acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure while SSL is acronym for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
SMTP is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it uses the standard port number of 25 to provide clients with requested services.
num1= print("Enter a number :")
num2 = print("Enter a number :")
sum = num1 + num2