Disadvantages Even though the city life has its advantages, city life is far from being all good. The city is overpopulated, polluted, noisy, contaminated, filthy and smoky. The life can be disrupted by pollution, noise, corruptions and crime. City living can be very rushed and worried.
I think my friend minty will become famous because shes super nice. she also makes teal cool things that are going famous right now. Shes also really pretty and for some reason pretty people get famous
"Antidisestablishmentarianism" is a 28-letter word that is currently little used and can therefore cause awkwardness and reading difficulties. This word is described in the "Student Dictionary" and refers to something or someone that opposes the link between church and state and everything that represents that link.
Is this the Percy Jackson series? If so what book?
Feyisa does not have to spend money on living in the USA
An asylum may be defined as the shelter provided to the people or persons who are mentally ill and have any disability or any refugee of a country. Many people run away from their native country and take shelter in some other country in an asylum provided by the government of that country.
Living in an Asylum is very cheap or in many places it is free and accommodation and food all is provided by the government for a minimum charge or sometimes free of cost.
Therefore, for Fesiya, it will be a good idea for her to seek an asylum to stay because the cost of living in the United States of America is always very high and it is estimated to be $28 458 per year. USA is an expensive country and the living cost in the US is always on the high.