A) it kept them subservient to men
Live in the United States for at least 10 years first
It was inevitable because the north and south had such different opinions
1. the struggle for voting rights
2. de facto school segregation
3. quality of public schools in black neighborhood
1. the struggle for voting right: this was a struggle between de jure segregation that existed in just one part of the country (the states of the old south). but the problem of de facto segregation was one that existed throughout the country, and its effects perhaps seen most clearly in nation's public schools
2. de facto school segregation: several supreme court cases in the early 1960s made it clear that de facto school segregation was unlawful and that segregated schools would be integrated by court order if necessary. in early 1970s, court began requiring school plans, which would send African-American students to largely white schools and send withe students to largely African-American schools, as a means of achieving greater racial balance
3. quality of public schools in black neighborhood: in Boston, African-American community began protesting the quality of public schools in largely black neighborhoods in the early 1960s. in 1965, in response to federal investigation of possible segregation in the Boston public schools, the Massachusetts legislature passed a Racial imbalance act. the new law outlawed segregation in Massachusetts schools and threatened to cut off state funding for any school district that did not comply.
People during the Industrial Revolution lived lives of constant work and sleep. They did dangerous factory work for little pay and lived in rags for small amounts of money. However, they accepted the conditions they lived in (all up until the Peasant riots) because they needed a way to support their family. When children were old enough to walk, you bet they were working with their parents. Factory owners didn't treat their workers well because they didn't have to. For a long while, people just accepted their filth and rags and let the rich stay rich.