Country can get lots of foreign currency as the remittance which can be used to establish industries in the country. Such industries provide job opportunities in the country.
People who go overseas to work can learn different skills and technologies which can be beneficial for the development of our own country.
You can divorce or seperate.
The customer must feel happy, and comfortable in the environment that shopkeeps set up. An unhappy customer is far less likely to purchase in quantity and may be less attracted to products. The experience of shopping must be positive if the manager wishes to succeed.
Examples may be seen in MacDonalds, where the "Happy" meal exists, where bright colours are used and service must be supportive of the customers needs and thoughts.
Elasticity of supply is a measure of the way suppliers respond to a change in price.
Good Luck!
Fees- Everything has a cost. Especially institutions, that are public.
Minimum Balance needed in an account-
If you are considering to buy anything, be sure to know your average amount of dollars you have, to know how much money you can spend. Be sure to have some left over.
Interest rates- The percentage you are being charged for. Be sure to have money left over for it.
Services- Pick the best services.