19. T 20. F Marcus Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), it is a black nationalist fraternal organization
i googl .ed it, it should be right
history shows a consistent pattern
Answer: No they were on opposite sides
Germany and Russia were actually allies before World War II, as the Soviet Union (Russia) signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, but Germany launched an attack on the Soviet Union causing them to fight back.
The system of checks and balances is the American Federal Government's way of ensuring that each branch has its own responsibilities but also has responsibilities, limits, and obligations as it pertains to the other branches of government.
This has worked well for most of the country's history but since the 1930s, the Presidency/Executive branch has become the branch that is possibly more powerful than the rest, especially in the minds of the people.
This is seen in the modern era, with the Presidency leading legislative pushes and leading their parties representatives in the House and Senate.
To fix this, the first step would be for the Senate to regain its authority when it comes to Foreign Affairs. Starting in the 1950s, the Executive branch used legal but suspect schemes to circumvent Congress' singular right to Declare war.
So, for the last 17 years, America has been fighting a war on terrorism without a Congressional declaration of war. The last time Congress declared war was in 1942, so Korea/Vietnam/Gulf War I/etc. were all accomplished without a Congressional declaration.
What we will need to see if Congress stepping up and acting like a co-equal branch of Government, instead of a branch subservient to the interests of the executive branch.