Tablet- children are always on it
Phone teenagers and older people have their whole life on there.
Laptop- people work on their laptop and will spend hours on it
TV- you can be watching tv and just say one more episode and keep watching for hours
Game console- Many males spend a lot of time playing with friends
I dont even know if im answering the right way sorri if im not lols
Emotionalism is the art theory that focuses on the deliberate communicating of feelings, emotions, states of mind, moods, and intense ideas. In this art theory, the expressive aspect is highlighted over anything else, and most of this artworks began with realistic or abstract depictions of feelings to provoque in the viewer something that would shock him or make him get an arousal.
Notice how this paintings inmediately portray an emotion and make it the main element of the composition.
The art pieces below are well known examples done by Munch , the first is "Madonna" 1902, and "the Screaming" 1893.
Characteristic of his diverse states of mind, the paintings are named just as emotions: Melancholy, Jealousy, Despair, Anxiety, Death in the Sickroom and The Scream.
I believe the answer is internal belief.
Provide an updated résumé - A résumé supplies a reference with easy access to dates of employment, employment history, duties, etc. Warn them when a potential employer has requested references - A reference will be able to give a better recommendation when they are prepared for a phone call instead of being caught off guard. Describe the job you are seeking - By explaining the job in detail, your references will better understand the challenges you would face and see how you could meet those challenges. Explain to them why you are the best candidate - By letting them know how your skills will allow you to be successful, they will be able to relay this information on to the hiring department.
abstract art, also called nonobjective art or nonrepresentational art, painting, sculpture, or graphic art in which the portrayal of things from the visible world plays little or no part. All art consists largely of elements that can be called abstract elements of form, colour, line, tone, and texture. Prior to the 20th century these abstract elements were employed by artists to describe, illustrate, or reproduce the world of nature and of human civilization and exposition dominated over expressive function.