The settlement house movement’s main objective was to
establish settlement house for the poor in urban areas. In this time, the middle-class volunteer settlement
workers will live in the area sharing knowledge and culture to alleviate the
poverty. This movement began in Britain in 1884 and in 1889, Jane Addams, and
Ellen Gates Starr founded the most famous settlement house in US.
The answer to this question is The federal government of the United States is the national government of the United States, a federal republic in North America, composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and several island possessions
If the 2 objects have the same density, they must have the same mass and volume
Hippocrates, (born c. 460 bce, island of Cos, Greece—died c. 375 bce, Larissa, Thessaly), ancient Greek physician who lived during Greece's Classical period and is traditionally regarded as the father of medicine.