1 prophet Mohammed
2 prophet Mohammed is the massanger
The correct answer is: Absolute power.
The teachings of Confusio are based on good conduct in life, good government of the State, care for tradition, study and meditation.
He affirmed that if a ruler is virtuous, the subjects will imitate his example, therefore, the maximum virtues of a ruler are: tolerance, kindness, benevolence, love of neighbor and respect for elders and ancestors.
In all three religions their is one God who spoke to one common ancestor (Abraham.) In these religions, angels are God's messengers, and one day that same God will judge everyone. All three religions agree that Abraham is an important prophet. However, Islam is the only religion that believes Muhammed is an important prophet. In both Christianity and Islam heaven and hell are very important, whereas in Judiasm it is not as important. As far as holy texts, both Christianity and Judiasm agree that the Old Testament is important, but Islam does not. (Islam does believe in the importance of the Quran while the others don't.) Christianity is the only one to believe in the importance of the New Testament. Jesus is the foundation of Christianity, whereas He is only a prophet in Islam, and a nobody in Judiasm.
C) The Egyptian nationalization of the Suez Canal and the international reaction.