En biología celular, el núcleo (pl. Núcleos; del latín nucleus o nuculeus, que significa núcleo o semilla) es un orgánulo unido a la membrana que se encuentra en las células eucariotas.
No they are not whales are
Birds have a different mating season this evidence will go against the argument and suggest that the birds are actually different species. Generally, two factors seasonal and behavioral identifies the differences among the species. Species generally interbred among the same population of species according to the season and hence they loose mating opportunities. Although being sexually compatible they do not interbreed. Behaviorally, a biological clock in species naturally sets breeding cycle according to the resources availability, suitable nesting sites and mating opportunities. Different species have different seasonal requirements to accomplish this.
Plasmid. A plasmid is a small circular DNA presents in bacterial cells. It is used as a cloning vector for DNA. The cloned DNA and the plasmid are treated with a restrriction enzyme. The enzyme will make cleaveges in the same portions of the two DNA. The plasmid is then allowed to be replicated inside the bacterial cell.