In the late 1400s and 1500s, the main reason for exploration in the New World was the need for alternate trade routes. They have no idea the Americas even existed, however.
In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out. The US became a powerhouse in Asia thanks to this conflict. With the annexation of Guam and the Philippines, the US expanded its sway over Asia. A peace treaty was concluded between the two nations following the conflict.
As a result of the United States' success in the war, the Spanish were forced to renounce their claims to Cuba and hand up control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States in a peace treaty. During the battle, the US also annexed Hawaii, an independent state.
The US gained ownership of and/or influence over a large number of additional areas as a result of its victory in the Spanish American War. A new far-flung empire was formed as a result of these and other geographical acquisitions.
To learn more about Spanish-American War
I believe the correct answer is B.
Mensajero es la persona o empresa que entrega mensajes o paquetes. Los bienes de mensajería se refieren a bienes que son acompañados o transportados por un mensajero, a menudo para garantizar que ninguna persona no autorizada pueda acceder a los contenidos. En un principio, el mensajero más clásico era el que viajaba en diligencia de mensajes entre dos príncipes, o dejaba mensajes entre dos frentes diferentes en la guerra.