20 is the greatest common denominator. You can find this by listing the factors of each number. The highest number that can fit into both individual numbers is the common denominator. Since 40 is just 20 doubled, and 20 is just 20 once, it fits into both numbers and is also the highest number that can fit.
C is the answer I took a similar test
wdym what solution put the equation down so I can answer it 4 u
D. The independent variable is the number of ticket price increases, and the dependent variable is the ticket sales.
Step-by-step explanation:
The wording, "the table shows A <em>with respect to</em> B" means that "B" is the independent variable. Here, "B" is "the number of times they have increased the price of the ticket." That is ...
the independent variable is the number of ticket price increases
b= 3 or 4