Let me see.................
The correct answer is C.
A possible theme of Ovid's "The Story of Daedalus and Icarus" is how human creativity can lead to amazing discoveries, gagdets and inventions; but at the same time these can easily lead to pain and suffering if used in the wrong way.
In the story, Daeadalus was a great inventor, but it was his own device that caused his son's death. Icarus' recklessness lead him to ignore his father's warnings about flying too high or too low, and his wrong usage of the man-made wings lead him to his doom.
Answer: the scare crow was missing so many things and dorothy help him get them the tin man was stuck so dorothy oiled his hinges and the lion wanted to be brave and dorothy helped him face his fears
<span>Gulliver's Travles published in 1726 is written by </span><span>Jonathan Swift.
</span>In Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift, Gulliver earns the title of Nardac in Lilliput by capturing the Blefuscudian fleet. Nardac is <span>a highly honored member of the kingdom.</span>
B similes as and like are similes