The ability to recreate an experiment makes it reliable. This is because it indicates that the result of the experiment was not simply happenstance or a coincidence. It is important to use peer-reviewed sources because it allows you to verify their validity through multiple expert opinions. This also allows you to see if the experiment from your source has been recreated by others.
For this question, let's take the following celebrity as an example: Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga's style has always been defined as eclectic and strident, very stentorious.
The New York singer has a personal and unique style that always generates all kinds of comments, both good and bad.
This image that she has established from the beginning has always been maintained or improved over time, to remain the icon that she is for her fans.
The story of Beowulf is the eternal story of good versus evil, a theme that is still relevant to modern life. Grendel is the descendant of Cain, the evil son of Adam and Eve who slew his brother, Abel.
The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work