Các mảng kiến tạo của Trái đất đập vào nhau. Bên dưới mặt đất, vỏ Trái đất được tạo thành từ nhiều mảng kiến tạo. ... Kết quả của việc các mảng kiến tạo này bị vỡ vụn là các phiến đá khổng lồ bị đẩy lên không trung.
Las vegas NV is one example
Answer: Absolute dating methods determine how much time has passed since rocks formed by measuring the radioactive decay of isotopes or the effects of radiation on the crystal structure of minerals. Paleomagnetism measures the ancient orientation of the Earth's magnetic field to help determine the age of rocks.
D. A car that went through all the car washes
that way the car would have more experiences
Answer: Some geographic areas have obvious natural advantages that result in cluster formation. For example, proximity to a large port will attract exporting firms or areas rich in minerals will attract clusters of mining firms. In addition, there are three well-established reasons why firms choose locate in close proximity. The cost of transporting goods is reduced when firms are located close to their customers or suppliers. Input suppliers can exploit economies of scale in large clusters of downstream firms who, in turn, benefit from timely delivery and lower inventory costs.
Explanation: There are various types of clustering are that include:
^ Connectivity-based Clustering (Hierarchical clustering)
^ Centroids-based Clustering (Partitioning methods)
^ Distribution-based Clustering.
^ Density-based Clustering (Model-based methods)
^ Fuzzy Clustering.
^ Constraint-based (Supervised Clustering)