DDT is highly persistent in the environment means that it break down very slowly in the environment. The half-life for DDT is from 2 to 15 years. Half-life is the time needed for the degradation of half of the compound. Persistent bio-accumulative toxic substances (PBTs) are chemicals that break down slowly in the environment and its accumulation in living organisms are toxic. Some PBTs are dispersed through air currents while some uses other environmental pathways, resulting in contamination of regions far from their points of origin.
The vrtkoff example represents a simplified aircraft taking-off from a runway. There are several viewpoints defined in this model, both static and attached to the plane, allowing you to see the take-off from various perspectives.
c. the gravitational forces due to the sun and the moon cancel each other's effect
The two diagrams represent Neap tides. Neap tides occur when the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned at right angles. Moderate tides are formed because the bulge due to gravitational pull of the Sun cancels the bulge due to moon. The difference between the high tides and the low tides is the smallest.
tagging the sharks
To learn their behavioral patterns researchers are tagging the sharks. Doing so allows the researchers to track their movements individually and gather data as to how they move, where they migrate to, how many migrate together, etc. All this information is extremely valuable and when pieced together can shed light on why they have certain behavioral patterns or traits.
Answer: I think it's (f) all of the above.
Because It regulates temperature, glucose, toxins, blood pressure, and pH.