the sun's rays hit the Earth at a shallow angle because the sun is lower in the sky.The long nights and short days prevent the Earth from warming up.
Three questions that focuses on the cause and effect relationship between the genetic code and gene expression, mechanisms of gene regulation and/or the role of DNA segments that is not involved in coding the proteins are:
i. Illustrate the process of translation and explain it with the help of a diagram.
ii. What are codons? Name the stop codons in eukaryotes.
iii. What are exons and introns? Explain what happens to the introns during the process of transcription and translation?
Clouds, atmospheric aerosols, snow, ice, sand, ocean surface and even rooftops play a role in deflecting the incoming rays. The remaining 70 percent of solar energy is absorbed by land, ocean, and atmosphere. "Greenhouse gases block about 40 percent of outgoing thermal radiation that emanates from Earth," Woods said.
Answer:there different because genetics are feactures pass on from your past decendents that you know own and heath factors are represent those things we can modify to improve the length and quality of life for residents.
The animals who live in that area will become endangered because their habitat is being heated and they are made for cold only