Many of the plants in a grassland environment are specifically adapted to that habitat. The natural selection that led to this a
daptation was a result of all the following EXCEPT
populations of plants naturally exhibit variation
plants produce more offspring than can survive.
the available resources do not support all the plants,
related plant species share some genetic material.
Answer: hybridisation between related species is unlikely to contribute to adaptive speciation.
Explanation: any population has natural genetic variation. The available resources are insufficient for all plants (and conversely, not all offspring survive). Natural selection favours variations better suited to the conditions.
Although hybridisation is more common in plants than animals, and can lead to speciation, adaptive radiation from an ancestral species is the general response to environmental change, such as from rainforest to savanna. There is low probability of selective advantage from hybridisation of two ancestral species adapted to niches within the original habitat when the conditions in those niches changes significantly.
The answer to this question is A. Eukaryotic Eukaryotic cells are distinguished by membrane-bounded organelles that contain genetic information and protected by nuclear protein. In this place, DNA is combined together by proteins and placed accrodingly into the chromosomes.
Xerophytes are plants that have adapted to arid climates. They have evolutionary developed adaptations to reduce the rate of transpiration so as to conserve water.
Among the adaptations include; thick cuticle, small, thick leaves, reducing the surface area relative to the volume of the leaf, etc.
Additionally, they use CAM pathway as an alternative photosynthetic pathway to minimize water loss.