It provided the philosophical underpinnings that is reflected in the Declaration of Independence.
Answer: Homespun was very subversive. The subversive part about homespun is that it was "home-made cloth that took on revolutionary symbolism after the colonies imposed boycotts on British goods, including textiles." They did this after the colonies imposed boycotts on British goods, including textiles!
hope this helps
Henry Ford was the first person to make a factory line, where more product can be made and sold in a shorter amount of time. This was on of things that kicked of the start of the Industrial Revelution. Henery Ford showed a lot of courage and was very brave to do this because there was always dobts about getting more done in the short amount of time. But he was the one who accomplished it. He accmplished something great. He was the lead on the factor line (assemble line) age. Inconclusion Henry Ford role was very import to modern day.
Rights are in the Declaration of Independance- and the US Constitution!
People that were freed from the slave trade started to speak up about their experiences, write books about the things that happened and just overall let people know the brutality of it all. People like William Wilberforce and Frederick Douglass were also big parts of the slave trade abolition.
The actual slave trade)
As the word about the slave trade went around, more and more people were being bought as slaves. Typically people if colour, and people that were all-round poor and couldn't afford a better lifestyle. Some people were born into slavery because their parents were slaves or their parents had debts to pay.