The correct match is given below:
- A flower containing a pistil, stamen, calyx, and corolla – Complete flower. When a flower consists of essential whorls pistil and stamen and accessory whorls calyx and corolla, the flower is said to be complete.
- The collective term for the petals of a flower- Corolla. The corolla is a accessory whorl which consist s of its unit called petal.
- It has pistils, but no stamens - Female flower. A flower with only pistil is called unisexual pistillate flower.
- A stalk which supports the anther – Filament. A typical stamen consists of an anther, connective and a filament.
- A flower that lacks one or more of the following parts: pistil, stamen, calyx, or corolla corolla.—Incomplete flower. A flower which lacks any of the essential or accessory whorl is called incomplete flower.
- A flower that has male parts only – Male flower. A flower with only stamen is called unisexual staminate flower.
- A spore produced by meiosis – Meiospores. Spores can produced by mitosis or meiosis. If it is produced as a result of mitosis it is said to be mitospores.
Huntington's disease
becase it is are caused by dominant alleles of a single gene on an autosome. Changes in chromosome number can lead to disorders like Down syndrome.
The right answer is Haploid cells join to form an organism that has a complete set of chromosomes.
Meiosis makes it possible to pass from a cell to 2n chromosomes to 4 cells with n chromosomes, thus ensuring the passage from the diploid phase to the haploid phase.
So from the fertilization phase to the meiosis phase, the cells will be diploid (2n chromosomes). From the meiosis phase to the fertilization phase, it is the haploid phase (n chromosome).
What are the answer choices?
1. Sun (heat on the water)
2. Body of water
3. Evaporation( the specks going up to the sky)
4. The cloud
5 rain cloud
6. Rainfall (becoming a runoff)-> sent back into the cycle