At the beginning of the play "Trifles", Mrs. Peters presents herself in a very submissive way to men and argues that they always do what is right, because they must fulfill their duties, even if it causes abandonment and sadness for his wife, or anyone else. This is evidenced by the speech:
MRS. HALE: I'd hate to have men coming into my kitchen, snooping around and criticizing. [...]
MRS PETERS: Of course it's no more than their duty. (51-52)
MRS. HALE: (resentfully) I don't know as there's anything so strange, our takin' up our time with little things while we're waiting for them to get the evidence. [...] I don't see as it's anything to laugh about.
MRS. PETERS: (apologetically) Of course they've got awful important things on their minds. (78-79)
At the end of the play, Ms. Peters develops an empathy for Mrs. Wright's situation, because she went through similar situations and understands how Mrs. Wright feels about loneliness and abandonment. At that moment, her opinion of men begins to change and she feels that they are irresponsible with the feeling of their women, adopting petty and sexist attitudes.
The correct answer is A. It starts with very specific details, devoid of any emotional interfering on the narrator's part. The only subjective detail in this line is the estimation "very strange". Still, it doesn't disturb the factuality of the context, which is firmly rooted in precise time and place references.
1. The appearance of a ghost is reported.
King Hamlet's ghost tells his son he has been murdered and demands revenge.
2. Hamlet says he disapproves of his mother’s remarriage.
His mother Gertrude has married Hamlet's uncle Claudius, who has become king and Hamlet suspects has killed his father.
3. Hamlet verbally Ophelia.
He has told her that he is in love with her, but Polonius has forbid her to talk to him.
4. Hamlet contemplates sui.cide.
In his most famous soliloquy, his indecisiveness and confusion lead to consider killing himself as a way of eliminating his difficulties.
5. Ophelia dies.
She becomes insane and drowns in the river
6. Laertes is killed in a swordfight.
He fights with Hamlet in a duel and is injured. Hamlet dies as well
7. Fortinbras takes over the throne
He has come from Poland to conquer Denmark. Before dying, Hamlet had told Horatio he wanted Fortinbras to become king.
annoying means to disturb someone too much that the person is so sick of you and doesn't want to talk to u anymore