Resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem).
Behavior therapy.
As the exercise explains, behavior therapy utilizes the principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and/or observational learning to eliminate inappropriate and maladaptive behaviors. In other words, this therapy attempts to discover and seek those potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors with the intention of changing them, as it believes that it is possible to change them.
B.charles darwin
Natural Selection, Survival of the fittest favors the “fit” and adaptable to survive in the harsh and hostile environment. Organisms that has a Type 3 survivorship curves has high reproduction rate since it also has greatest mortality rate. And why does natural selection favor these type of organisms is because these organism first-handedly were able to “adapt”. The theories states that organism need to be adaptable to survive hence, their reproductive mechanisms were stimulated and improved with the awareness of the susceptibility and vulnerability of these type of species. <span>