Opcion A
Para atender los impactos negativos de la crisis económica de 1929, América Latina restringió el ingreso de todos los bienes que tradicionalmente se traían del exterior. Esto se hizo para reducir la demanda de la demanda externa restringiendo así las salidas de oro y divisas de América Latina. Practicaron el sistema de tipo de cambio estándar de oro
You dream about a monster chasing you and you realize later that the monster symbolizes the research paper that you have due in one of your classes. According to Freud, this interpretation of your dream is called the <u>latent content</u>.
The latent content in the interpretation of dreams is considered a central part of the unconscious since it is formed of unconscious desires and impulses that, if directly expressed, would be threatening, that is, the dream is the fulfillment (disguised or symbolized) of a suffocated or repressed desire. The latent content is the true experience or wishes that motivates our dreams.
d. officers becoming personally involved with informants.
An informant is a person who gives his testimony in relation to a situation as a way to help in the investigation of something. These people cannot be considered a witness of a situation, because they are not formally obliged to speak the truth about the facts of the situation (the witness is obliged to speak the truth), and they can tell fanciful, uncooperative and incorrect information.
In this case, it is extremely unethical for the information that an informant provides to be overestimated, because that information may be false. moreover, an informant cannot be intimidated or coerced into contributing to a given situation, nor can he be deceived about its relevance in the investigation, through false praise. However, in terms of ethics and morals, nothing prevents officers from personally getting involved with informants.
The Answer to this question is operational definition.
This use of the questionnaire establishes an operational definition of shyness.
<span>We can define operational definition as it explains the
concepts or variables by the way they are measured, anything that can be
measured is a variable. Dr. Aba is conducting a study between birth order and shyness, so she needs to develop an operational definition of birth order and shyness.</span>