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Practicando la recreación, en forma escrita, de un diálogo escuchado.
Escuchar entrevista a Antonio Arbo (A La Gran 730 - Antonio Arbo 11 03 2020)
¿Existe algún vocablo que no me es familiar? ¿Qué debo hacer ante esto?
“Patógeno” es una palabra que no me es familiar.
Ante una situación como esta, es posible intentar descifrar el significado a partir del contexto en que se utiliza. En este caso, por ejemplo, claramente se refiere a un término médico relacionado con las enfermedades. Sin embargo, la mejor opción siempre será apelar a una enciclopedia para conocer el significado concreto y su escritura correcta.
Respect for diversity maybe im wrong though
Imagine that you and your friends went out for the night. You and 2 other friends decide to go destroy property and trespass on fields. The other friend didn’t do it, but does have it on video and did watch it happen. Well if interdependent wasn’t a thing, then your friends couldn’t depend on that friend to keep it a secret. Get it?
This refers to the Enclosure movement which was prominent in
Britain from the 18th century to the 19th century. Enclosure
means to divide or consolidate the communal lands and small holding into what
we now see as one big farm which was owned by an individual. This meant that the
villagers could no longer, as they could before that, use that land to raise
livestock among other things.