The answer is true. When two tectonic plates are sliding past each other, it results in shear stress, and shear stress leads to an earthquake.
With greater depth of the atmosphere, more air is pressing down from above. Therefore, air pressure is greatest at sea level and falls with increasing altitude. On top of Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain on Earth, air pressure is only about one-third of the pressure at sea level.
Blood clots form when platelets and plasma proteins thicken to form a sort of solid mass. They can form from an injury, blood flowing slowly through your system, or even for no obvious reason.
Methionine- Serine- Histidine- Aspartate- Glycine- stop
Translation, which occurs in the ribosomes, is the second stage of protein synthesis where mRNA transcript is used to synthesize a peptide chain that eventually forms a protein. The mRNA sequence is read in a group of three nucleotide called CODON. Each codon specifies a particular amino acid, which is read and added to the growing peptide chain.
In this question, a DNA sequence reds 3'- TACAGGGTGCTACCCACT-5, the
mRNA sequence from this DNA during transcription will be:
From this mRNA sequence, the peptide chain that will result following translation is:
Methionine- Serine- Histidine- Aspartate- Glycine- stop
The thorax is a very vital and important organ in the human body.
- It is a structure that serves as a<u> </u><u>protective covering</u> for organs in the body such as<u> the lungs, the heart, some vital blood vessels</u> e.t.c
It is<u> false</u> that to <em>make a person breathe in, the volume of the chest cavity must decrease, creating a higher pressure in the thorax.</em>
- When a person breathes in, <u>the chest cavity expands (the volume increases) and the pressure in the thorax decreases.</u>
- When a person breathes out, <u>the chest cavity decreases in size, and the pressure in the thorax increases. </u>
- Therefore, we can see that the <u>process of breathing in humans</u>, follows the <u>principle of Boyle's Law.</u>
- Boyle's law states that as the<u> volume increases there is a decrease in pressure</u> and <u>as the volume decrease there is an increase in pressure. </u>
Therefore, It is <u>false</u> that to <em>make a person breathe in, the volume of the chest cavity must decrease, creating a higher pressure in the thorax.</em>
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