Rebecca has many characteristics, and her first characteristic is that she is interested in Ivanhoe. “In finding herself once more by the side of Ivanhoe, Rebecca was astonished at the keen sensation of pleasure which she experienced, even at a time when all around them both was danger, if not despair. As she felt his pulse and inquired after his health, there was a softness in her touch and her accents, implying a kinder interest than she would herself have been pleased to have voluntarily expressed”. Rebecca has been tending to Ivanhoe’s wounds and it seems she is growing affectionate to Ivanhoe by gently touching him and trembling when she is near him. She constantly checks on his health and checks his pulse, and she did all of this willingly.
yes i would, because its the right thing to do, if they didn't ask for you to pay them back then don't but in this case they did, so i would pay them back so yes pay them back as soon as possible or they'll be mad at you and not be ur friend or whatever it is they are to you.
A choice made wrong can drastically affect a person's life it can being them down in every way it can affect their relationship with you and it can change their personality forever. A choice made right can aswell drastically affect a person in a good way, it can change that person's perspective on life in general it can make them happier and more motivated in life.
to sum up everything that has been stated the decisions we make in life can drastically change your life and the people around you so chose wisely in life.
well, first off, you would be treated as a minority, affecting how you think about you yourself, bringing down your confidence. you would probably feel sad, because if only a few other people know it, communicating would be hard. Like, when you go to the grocery store or out shopping, if you needed help with something, how would you ask? or a really bad scenario would be if you went to the ER, and your health problem wasn't obvious and it was internal. That could be dangerous.